Greetings Immigration & Nationality Law Section Members,
I am honored to introduce myself as the 2024-2025 Chair of the Immigration and Nationality Law Section of the State Bar of Texas. It is a privilege to serve in this role, and I am excited to work with such a distinguished group of professionals. I am very grateful for the hard work of the previous Chairs before me and the great efforts of all of the Council and Section volunteers. Without all of you, our Section would not thriving as it is. The Council meets every month, and the committees are hard at work on new and existing projects.
As we move forward, I want to share some exciting updates and opportunities that will benefit you and your practice:
I encourage you to participate in our programs and consider how you can contribute to our section. I look forward to seeing you at our events and working together to advance our field.
If you have any questions or need to get in touch with me, please don’t hesitate to email me at
Thank you for your continued commitment and engagement.
Mark your calendars, find a place to get involved, and let’s have an amazing year!
Justine M. Daly, Chair
Immigration & Nationality Law Section
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